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Scale Back Alabama Kicks Off 2015 Contest

Alabama has the 8th highest rate of obesity among adults of any state in the country, which is a better ranking than in previous years, but still not good.

In its 9th year, Scale Back Alabama is targeted to these adults. The statewide weight-loss contest has resulted in more than one million pounds lost since its beginning eight years ago, and it continues to be a great way to start the new year by motivating Alabamians to eat less and move more.

This year's program is improved based on feedback from previous participants and local coordinators. Those 18 and older can now participate in teams of two, rather than teams of four, and they can go online to register themselves starting January 6. Once registered, they must go to an official weigh-in site located in the front lobby of Dale Medical Center between 7am and 3pm during the week of Jan. 19-23 to do their initial weigh in. Then, each week they will receive health tips from a panel of experts. At the end of the contest, all individuals and teams who lose at least 10 pounds (one pound per wee) will be placed in a drawing for cash prizes.

"We're serving as a public weigh-in site this year and will be offering the following times for teams to come by and sign up for the contest and do their initial weigh in (insert times and locations," said Tammy Hanners, RN, DMC Education Director. "We know the importance of a healthy diet and exercise and are excited to be a part of this free, statewide effort to get Alabamians healthier."

Scale Back Alabama, now in its ninth year, is designed for adults, but the hope is that these adults will positively influence their family and friends. In fact, this year's program will have more of a family focus and will include health tips for children.

Scale Back Alabama is sponsored by the Alabama Hospital Association and the Alabama Department of Public Health, in partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama. For more information, visit or visit on Facebook.
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